CEOs for Now: Leadership Optimized
From Impactful to Transformational

If there was ever a time to strengthen the interdependency between the right leadership or management model, fulfilled and thriving employees, and deepening customer delight and loyalty, this is clearly it.

If not now, then when?

The COVID-19 experience has converged with a host of fundamental shifts that are redefining norms and altering the commerce landscape. Whether at public companies operating in shareholder markets or in private companies or family enterprises, more CEOS are taking on the necessary task of learning how to lead and manage for a new age.

Within a context of perpetual volatility and diminished predictability, CEOs today must be prepared to compete and win by managing a host of externalities that can affect the destiny of their organizations and in which they have no direct control.

Delivering on objectives and fulfilling expectations requires a retooling of the CEO's leadership platform: The systems, processes, and models that enable a CEO to transition from an otherwise successful history of being impactful to the necessity of becoming transformational for the new normal of now.

Advanced Custom Coaching Options: Leader Coaching

Market-Context Transformational Leadership
Challenge entrenched assumptions, re-cast what’s possible, build domain ownership

  • Alignment of Leadership Intent with Behavior
  • Crafting of Leadership Messaging Content, Dissemination Platform, and Action Plan
  • Development of the Internal and External In-Market Leadership Lifecycle

CEO Leadership Effectiveness
Unleash your potential for greater impact; sharpen your ability to manifest change

  • Leadership Benchmarking and Skills Assessment
  • Customized Private Coaching Program
    Private One-on-One Decision Support 
  • Ethical Leadership Operating Framework
    Conception, Development, Functionality, Systems, Implementation Plan

CEO Leadership Platform
Build a foundation of dedicated components to drive internal transformation and external in-market impact

  • Customized Content Architecture, Production, and Dissemination
    Executive Speech Writing
    Agenda Talking Points
    Earned Media Thought Leadership Editorial: Topic Planning, Media Targeting, Writing, Target Media Placement
  • Industry or Professional Organizations Leadership Strategy
    Leader-Specific Opportunities Assessment and Roadmap
    In-Market Leading of Mutual Win-Win Relationships
  • Development of CEO-Direct Strategic Partnerships and Alliances
    Research and Qualification; Recruitment and Negotiation; Partnership Agreements; Operations Integration Strategy
  • Scrutiny-Accountability Industry Relationship Strategy and Program
    Development of Relationship Roadmap and Touch Point Lifecycle: Regulators; Standards and Compliance Organizations; Capital Markets Operators; Cause-Issue Advocacy Organizations; NGOs and Global Forums; Shareholder Proxy Consultancies
  • Corporate Political Responsibility (CPR) Strategy
    Integration with ESG Program, Government Affairs Unit
    Board Collaboration Strategy
    Development of Operations-Response Protocols
    Integration-Collaboration with Corporate, Brand, and Reputation Risk Initiatives
  • CEO Oversight and Reporting Relationships Strategy
    Board of Directors; Advisory Board; Family Council; Investors