(781) 383.9222 info@BringChangeNow.com

Chief Executive Communications

Break Out with Smarter Strategic Positioning,
Conceptualization, and Messaging Architecture

Strategic Impact Partners has a deep history in C-level strategic marketing and communications for the full spectrum of leaders and leadership contexts.

That’s another piece of the differentiated value we offer: We originally launched in one of America’s most competitive markets and innovation capitals, Boston, which afforded us an opportunity to earn recognition for uncompromising excellence.

This consistent excellence is our ‘magic’ or secret weapon. It enables us to break our clients out from the dense noise and confusion of any market to succeed for them where others have failed.

While the majority of outputs we produce for clients are naturally internal to them and confidential, some products we are able to share here to illustrate our brand identity, design, strategic positioning, and messaging capabilities.

Click any image (below) to view these select examples.


Evidence-Based Messaging Strategies

Control the conversation with facts and evidence; neutralize ‘alternative truth’ opposition; inspire engagement with your agenda.

  • Opposition Messaging Strategies for Post-Truth, Fake News, and Alternative Universe-Facts Attacks
  • Messaging Architecture and System: Talking Points Scripts, Product-Service Depictions, Corporate Profiles, Sales Messaging
  • Brand Stories/Narratives
  • What’s Your Point? Messaging Makeover

Capital Markets and Investor Communications

  • Pitch Scripts, Pitch Decks, Business Plans
  • Pro forma Documents; Data Rooms
  • Investor Relationship Tools

Impact Communications; Litigation/Liability and Reporting Communications

  • Corporate Responsibility, ESG, Sustainability Reports
  • Crisis Aversion, Crisis Response, and Reputation Risk Management Communications
  • Reporting Program Communications Standards and Conformance Framework

Leadership Marketing and Communications

  • Thought Leadership, Earned Media Content
  • Marketing, Public Relations, and Organization Development Literature
  • Issue and Advocacy Briefs; Briefing Books; White Papers
  • Executive Leadership Communications Programs
  • Executive Speeches; Executive Biographies
  • Organization Profiles; Purpose Statements, Boiler Plates
  • Sales Scripts; Sales Lifecycle Content (Discovery Questions)
  • Newsletters; News Releases; Media Kits
  • Online Content: Web Sites; Social Media

Example of a recurring client and prospect E-Newsletter for a consulting firm specializing in conflict resolution for HNW/UHNW family enterprises.

Web Site supporting capitalization and development campaigns for a large scale next-gen cannabis wholesale enterprise with testing company lab.

Investor Deck as part of a marketing-advisory-capital markets program for a large scale next-gen cannabis wholesale enterprise with a testing company lab.

Highlights from a Deck Package as part of management relationship to support multi-state expansion of NewTropic, a California cannabis supply chain company.

Investor and Partnership Deck for Massachusetts cannabis retailer led by distinguished political, civic, and business leaders of color. SIP was the retained management consulting firm.

Investor and Partnership Deck as part of a SIP advisory-investor relations program for client – an innovative infused cannabis hard candy brand launching in Massachusetts.

Revision of product and services positioning then incorporated into a new Corporate Prospectus for a top global producer of editorial content, intel and analysis, conferences and education in the family enterprise/family office universe.

Insertion Print Ad for a trade magazine campaign commorating the 25th anniversary of the a professional association of trusted advisors and other professionals serving the family enterprise/family office universe.

Sample issue from a White Paper Series, “Intelligence Matters”, that was part of a Family Firm Institute initiative to partner with legacy family business owners.

Product Announcement for a human capital consulting firm working with Fortune 500s to break the glass ceiling for their women executives.

Home page screenshot of a new Web Platform for a women’s leadership development firm.

Email Promotion Blast for a series leading to annual international conference of the World Future Society.

Launch edition of a Thought Leadership Publication for a new supply chain transformation methodology.

Sales Flyer for a new supply chain methodology, TVO (Total Value Optimization).

Thought Leader Interview Series used to co-brand industry endorsements for a new supply chain methodology.

Trade Show Booth Poster for Maine Pointe, touting their guaranteed ROI and no-nonsense engagement approach.

A Private Equity Practice Prospectus for one of the industry capabilities platforms of Maine Pointe.

Display Poster for a book signing event for Continuity Family Business Consulting, held at the Harvard Club in Boston.

First edition of a White Paper Series on consumer research in healthy eating habits for Landis Strategy & Innovation.

Insertion Print Ad for trade magazines announcing launch of a new, comprehensive web platform for the Family Firm Institute.

Insertion Print Ad for trade magazines promoting “Risky Business” theme of annual FFI International Conference.

Concert Program Book for the North American concert tour (10 cities) of the Canterbury Cathedral Choir of the U.K.

Program Brochure for an NEH-funded exhibition and event festival celebrating the history and artistry of the pipe organ.

Home page of a new Web Site for a disruptive technologies developer in the latex architectural paint industry.