(781) 383.9222 info@BringChangeNow.com

Master Your Next Horizon...

Chief Leaders: Welcome to SIP!

We’ve become so accustomed to the potency of ‘new norms’ now that they are becoming cliché. From perpetual volatility, fleeting control, and diminished predictability to hyper scrutiny, innate skepticism (even cynicism), and the ‘radical transparency’ of new accountability standards. Could the headwinds you face get any stronger?

It depends on how you look at it. This new operating theatre and competitive terrain is, in fact, an extraordinary opportunity for leaders who want to break themselves and their organizations out of the pack of the bewildered.

Strategic Impact Partners helps drive greater success for a new breed of leaders across the industry spectrum and organization context: The emerging collective of multi-generational, no bull, conscious leaders as well as the organizations they lead and the Boards with whom they collaborate.

You know who you are. You’re today’s embodiment of uncommon sense. A forward visioning and operating chief leader who is exceptionally capable yet realizes these times may require a well-resourced peer partner to get you and your organization to the next level.

With our nearly-thirty years of working closely with leaders in public and private companies, nonprofits, the Federal government, industry associations and venerable faith-based institutions, we offer an uncommon perspective and experience journey from a wide array of challenging and successful leadership contexts.

We help our clients reach more durable and sustained levels of success focusing on six critical capabilities areas that are core to chief leader priorities and the solutions to challenges they face now.

For us, it’s a fundamental commitment to practice what we believe: Exceptional value delivered, from values-driven ambitions. Let’s start with a conversation.

Exceptional Firepower for Your Leadership and Organization Success

From Analysis-Assessments, Strategy Development, and Program Design to Implementation and Ongoing Execution.

For Forward Visioning Chief Leaders:

What’s required to grow now has changed.

If there is one macro challenge that every chief leader and organization now faces beyond the particularities of their specific industry, market or vertical niche, it is this:

How will you successfully navigate to win in the dramatically changing operations theatre that has been upended by disruptive externalities you cannot directly control?

While not every externality poses a direct or immediate threat, their shapeshifting nature cascades out with dynamic variations to create different complexities and forms of disruption, discontinuity, and distraction depending on the unique competitive context of the moment.

To leverage this challenge to growth and win, start by closing the gaps between your internal operations and external in-market behavior…

For C-Suites, their Board Directors, and Capital Markets Partners:

This is your new risk management, and it’s not an option.

Today’s risk and opportunity landscape is dramatically broadening for C-suite leaders, Board directors, and their P-E and venture capital partners.

Indeed, the very definition and fundamental understanding of what constitutes risk has changed.

On the surface, the new risks are obvious: Cybersecurity, AI, supply chain continuity, natural disasters and related externalities, economic disparities and the wealth gap, human rights and globalization, political strife.

Underneath however, your ecosystem is grappling with their own pervasive mistrust and disconnectedness to where skepticism has morphed into cynicism. Their confidence is ever harder to earn and keep.

This breach runs wide and deep across all relational touchpoints with clients and customers, their sources of influence, and their relationship to organizations, institutions, brands, and chief leaders.

The opportunity to win in this changed operational theatre is significant, but it requires proactive conscious leadership supported by approaches in the new ‘reality’ that have you staying true to the expectations of all your constituencies.

For CEOs and other Chief Leaders:

How will you lead now? It’s time to move from impactful to transformational.

If there was ever a time to strengthen the interdependency between the right leadership or management model, fulfilled and thriving employees, and deepening client-customer delight and loyalty, this is clearly it.

Given the opportunities for growth and winning pitted against the existential threats to business or organizational continuity – if not now, then when?

As norms and expectations are being redefined, traditional or industry-styled leadership models are not just falling flat in impact, they can create new material risks and liabilities by failing to meet stakeholders where they are now.

Do you want to spend valuable resources trapped in a continuous loop of frenetic reactions to others? Or do you want to clear a path that attracts all the right assets and resources to shift your market position to where everyone else is scrambling in response to you?

Sure-Footed Leadership: Actualized

Customized Leader Coaching: Level Up to Master Your Next Horizon

All leadership or executive coaches are not the same.

That may seem obvious, but too often leaders decide to work with a particular coach due to their ‘celebrity’ status that implies “most sought after” (with upcharged fees)…

Or, with some legacy CEO mastermind organizations, you find a culture of regressive groupthink that underneath it all, is resistent to the kind of change that is required now.

In any of these cases, look closer at the coach’s life and professional journey… do you see anything there you recognize as similar to your own?

No doubt, credentials and experience are essential and should be a given. But for public and private leaders responsible for executing a transformation agenda, context experience should be vital if your coach is really going to help you move the needle.

Watch Our Podcast

Solutions Firepower:

Our SIP Team, Your Dedicated Resource

Art Stewart

Managing Partner

Lynn Terwoerds

Senior Strategist

Peter Hess

Senior Strategist

Eliza Erskine

Senior Strategist

Matt Karnes

Senior Strategist

Yan Hai

Senior Strategist

Client Successes...

“Art and his team at SIP gave us the qualified, expert third-party analysis and recommendations that we really needed to get out of our own way and move forward. He pushed us when we needed pushing, but was always collaborative. His approach is intelligent and his work had great impact on our business. I highly recommend Art and his staff.”

Doug Baumoel
Managing Partner, Continuity Family Business Consulting.

“Art Stewart is one of the most insightful people I have encountered in the area of corporate transformation, branding, and smart marketing strategies. He is a hidden gem waiting to be found by clients. An inspiring and brilliant strategist, he understands the new paradigm that is shaping the future of business.”

Richard Pollock
Former Journalist and Executive: The Daily Caller; Washington Examiner; Shandwick Public Affairs; Cato Institute; ABC News.

“Art Stewart is a master at corporate messaging, strategic direction and market development. Our teams collaborated in a next-generation framework for strategic procurement practice that produced a breakout strategy. Art and I also collaborated on webinars for the Corporate Responsibility Association. He is a compelling thought leader in the global responsibility movement.”

Joel Sutherland
Managing Director, Supply Chain Management Institute, University of San Diego; former senior executive for International Paper, Thermo Fisher Scientific, CSX.

“Art’s group brought tremendous insight and expertise in providing a thorough market validation and analysis, as well as a direction for new user segments and focus on disruptive markets. They took nothing for granted – questioning assumptions, challenging our assertions, and helping us to think in ways.”

Mel Sauder
President, MVP Kids Media; Former CEO, MicroBlend Technologies, Inc.

Client Successes

History, Experience, Perspective

Client engagements spanning nearly 25 different industries.

  • Law
  • Management Consultancies
  • Accounting/Financial
  • Family Enterprise/Offices/UHNW-HNW
  • Travel Management
  • Product Development
  • Architecture and Design
  • Environmental Sustainability-Management-Engineering
  • Healthcare Practices
  • Real Estate Development; Construction
  • Non-Profits
  • Cause-Related Entities
  • Faith-Based Institutions
  • Foundations
  • Professional and Trade Associations
  • Life Sciences; Healthcare Services; Medical Device Manufacturing
  • Hardware Manufacturing
  • Software Development/SaaS/IT
  • Telecomm
  • e-Commerce
  • Industrial Manufacturing
  • Robotics
  • Internet, Web-Based and Interactive
  • Cannabis
  • Publishing; Video/Film Production; Commercial Broadcasting
  • Private Equity/VC
  • Chemical
  • Oil and Gas/Energy
  • Mining
  • Food and Beverage
  • Quick Serve Restaurants and Casual Dining
  • Transportation
  • Aerospace and Aviation
  • Government Services
  • Retail and Consumer Products
  • Performing Arts
  • Education Services; Training and Development; Human Resources